KNEE DRIVING – A short film project by Victoria Smith in association with Quiksilver Womens
In this day in age, women are finally taking over the surf/skate scene with notable style, grace and creativity. With this film project I want to highlight three different women who share a passion for skateboarding/surfing/art and use it as a common denominator amongst other hobbies and interests that make them each unique & innovative. I want to tell their stories through simple raw footage from their perspective within their own realities, as well as eventually bringing them together, away from reality; allowing them to be themselves and feed off of each other’s energy, capturing it in a visually beautiful way.
We follow along each girl in their day to day activities, starting in their home with their morning routine and into their daily life doing whatever they do. 
"I believe getting an overall taste of where each girl comes from and learning what is important to each of them will aid the viewer in understanding the girls more as they go on a road trip together in Mexico, bringing them together and allowing the viewer to relate to each girl in their own way." - Victoria Moura 
Amanda is a small-town girl from the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia who recently moved out west to Los Angeles, California to learn more about herself and what she wants in life. Growing up as an athlete, Amanda has tried her hand at multiple sports, and has always been active with skateboarding - a hobby that has stuck with her for a long time. Skateboarding gives her the freedom and inspiration she needs to fuel her art and daily life. Now living in Echo Park in Los Angeles, Amanda finds time to skate and pursue her art between her time doing schoolwork and modeling. Amanda dreams to illustrate for children’s books one day and wants to work with kids as an art therapist.
Ginger is a graphic designer and a skateboarder from Venice, California. A beach girl at heart, Ginger still lives within the heart of Venice in a little cottage with her boyfriend Mason. Today, Ginger juggles her corporate job and finds time to skate in her free time and has met many friends through the Venice skate community encouraging her along the way. We follow Ginger and Mason as they ride their bikes to the beach on a warm summer morning. They get a solid skate session in and before it’s time to head home they make a stop at Gelina Take Away for some of their favorite natural wine and pizza. At home, Ginger shares some of her art pieces with us as we learn more about her past as a visual artist growing up in Venice Beach.
Demi is an artist and surfer born and raised in Santa Barbara, California. Going through the motions in the world of professional surfing at a young age, Demi realized that a life competing wasn’t the life for her. Today, Demi is still surfing and runs a successful surf school for groms in Santa Barbara, while still able to pursue her passion for other avenues of art, like painting, poetry and music. If it’s creative, Demi does it, and she does it well. She doesn’t give herself limits and believes everybody should do the same.
Demi invites us into her home this morning. We learn about her lifestyle living in a small beach community, we learn about what drives her in her art, we visit her studio and finally we follow along for an afternoon surf session with her to end the day.
What began as an idea (mid-quarantine), Knee Driving was brought to life by Victoria Smith who noticed the number of girls pushing the boundaries with their passions. The concept was to highlight three unique women with commonalities and a pre-established friendship (individually), and then showcase their journey to Mexico and their love for spontaneous adventures.